My Blog

Reflection Resources
What’s non-negotiable for you?

What’s non-negotiable for you?

When we think about non-negotiables, we often think about setting boundaries with other people. We might have non-negotiables in our relationships, in our work, or in our friendships. But have you ever stopped to consider what your non-negotiables are for yourself?...

Feeling consumed by distractions?

Feeling consumed by distractions?

In today's fast-paced world, distractions seem to be lurking around every corner, making it increasingly challenging to stay focused and present. Whether it's the constant pings of our smartphones, the allure of social media, or the never-ending stream of...

Joy that isn’t hostage to the whims of the future

Joy that isn’t hostage to the whims of the future

Adversity often weaves its threads unexpectedly, making it hard to find purpose, let alone joy during rough patches. It's during these challenging moments that the pursuit of joy takes on a deeper, more profound meaning. Many of us are conditioned to link happiness...



  • The Journal of Becoming: Goal-Setting 
  • Nail it to the Cross Journal 
